Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd (ReconAfrica), which is based in Vancouver, has secured petroleum licenses for 8.75 million acres of land in Namibia and Botswana, upstream from the Okavango Delta, an area of rich and unique biodiversity that has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage site. The company has publicly stated that it will not employ fracking, but has told a different story to its investors, and has hired a fracking expert to their team. In addition to the potential environmental damage and its impact on the livelihoods of local residents, extracting and burning more fossil fuel on this scale will accelerate the global climate crisis.
Becasause the ReconAfrica project poses threats to:
- the human rights of the indigenous San people of southern Africa and local citizens of Namibia and Botswana,
- the survival of this ecologically sensitive area, and
- the world's climate,
GRAN has joined the Canada Okavango Solidarity Group to try to stop this project.
page updated 03-2021