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Ending Violence Against Women

Across cultures and countries and throughout their lives, women and girls are at risk of experiencing many forms of violence. Gender inequality and poverty intertwine to make women of all ages and girls more vulnerable to physical, sexual and emotional violence. In Sub-Saharan Africa, violence against women is both a cause and a consequence of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, making grandmothers and the children in their care particularly vulnerable. Canada is a signatory to a number of international conventions to end violence and discrimination against women. In public statements the government has committed to ending all forms of violence against women at home and abroad. Through the Violence Against Women Working Group, GRAN identifies opportunities to advocate for policies and programs that will have a positive impact for the grandmothers of sub Saharan Africa who bear a disproportionate burden, and the devastating consequences, of violence directed toward women and girls.

The Orange Campaign

Orange the World: Activism to end violence against Women & Girls

From November 25th, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to December 10th, Human Rights Day, the United Nations UNiTE Campaign: 16 Day of Activism to End Gender-based Violence is a time to galvanize action to end violence against women and girls everywhere.

Protecting Water and Water Defenders

Jan 31, 2025

Over 300 organizations from 44 countries and territories along with 180 academics and legal experts from 21 countries have signed this joint letter ahead of the February 3rd retrial of five prominent... Read more