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GRAN Action on Child Nutrition: Postcards for MPs

Hello GRANs,

It was great to see so many of you at our learning event last week. Our guest speaker, Dominique Denoncourt of Results Canada, gave an overview of the state of global malnutrition among women and children, talked about Canada’s legacy in combating child malnutrition, gave concrete high-impact solutions our government can support, and explained what we can do as GRAN advocates. If you missed the webinar, it is well worth watching. You can access a recording here: Food for Thought: Using Advocacy to Tackle the  Malnutrition and Hunger Crisis

GRAN Action:
We are now encouraging all GRANs to take action by reaching out to your MPs with the following “ask”. In partnership with Results Canada and other Canadian civil society groups, we are urging Canada to pledge $750 million at the Nutrition for Growth Paris 2025 Summit taking place March 27 - 28. We are asking Canada to commit nutrition-specific funding over five years to:

  • Strengthen access to high-impact interventions for maternal and child malnutrition
  • Address gender-related barriers to nutrition
  • Strengthen health systems
  • Ensure nutrition access in emergencies

With this investment, Canada could help prevent an estimated 6.2 million infant deaths and 1 million stillbirths. 

Our partners at Results Canada have produced a bright and eye-catching postcard to help us deliver this message. 

But what about the postal strike?
The timing is admittedly unfortunate. Just prior to the postal strike, GRAN sent out supplies of printed cards to Regional Leaders for distribution. These are all now stuck in Canada Post limbo somewhere. Fortunately, we are able to provide links to printable postcards in both English and French. You can print them yourself at home (printing instructions are available here), or have them professionally printed at your local print shop. (Just save the file to a memory stick to take in with you, or upload it directly to your print shop’s online order form.) We encourage you to print enough copies to share with your friends, family, and community groups to multiply the voices speaking up for hungry children.

There is space on the postcard for you to add a short personal message about why the issue of child hunger and malnutrition is important to you. You'll also need to address your card with your MP's name before mailing.

Of course you will have to hang onto your card until the strike is over, but do make sure to put it in the mail as soon as service is up and running again. Or, if you are able, consider visiting your MP’s local constituency office this month to deliver it in person. (Perhaps that could even be something you do as a group after a postcard-writing event?)

As always, we’d like to track our advocacy efforts. Please let us know once you’ve taken action, whether as a single postcard or if you’ve distributed a number of them in your community. Just email us a short note at

Silver lining?
While the strike is on, you have some lead time to do the printing and to have conversations with others inviting them to participate in this action to save children’s lives and futures.

GRANs, we are determined and resourceful and patient. Despite the current postal strike, we can still make this work!

Thank you all for your advocacy for children’s right to food.

Linda and Cathy
GRAN Co-Chairs

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