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GRAN Actions

Child Hunger

Raise awareness and engage the public.

  • Draw public attention to the crisis by organizing a public event, panel discussion, or community workshop. Check out our Child Hunger Resource List for materials to help you plan a workshop or presentation.
  • Spread the word on social media about the importance of tackling child hunger. (Share a link to a news story or to one of our Small Sips and use our hashtag, #WeCanEndChildHunger along with one of our GRAN graphics.)

Advocate for policy change.

  • Write to your federal MP (also to your provincial representatives) – Urge them to prioritize hunger relief both domestically and globally.
  • Advocate with your MP for increased investment in global food security programs and expanded funding for food assistance and nutrition programs for children in the Global South.

Mobilize resources.

  • Donate, participate in fundraisers, or volunteer with organizations tackling child hunger locally and internationally.