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Education Cannot Wait

Education Cannot Wait

Around the world, children in areas of crisis and conflict are often denied access to education.  The world’s newest country, South Sudan, currently has the world’s highest proportion of out-of-school children, 51%.  This percentage is even higher for girls:  a troubling 70% of girls in South Sudan do not attend school.  The Education Cannot Wait Fund is dedicated to changing this.  The Fund works to ensure that children in crisis and conflict areas have access to school and learning. To learn more, view the video ‘School is a Magical Place’ .

For children in conflict areas, education is critical in helping them cope and recover from trauma. Did you know that globally only 2% of humanitarian funding goes towards education?  When you are connecting with your MP in August or September there are great resources on our website to help you make the case that Canada’s humanitarian education funding needs to be increased. 
