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Evaluating Advocacy


Recently, a few GRANs attended a workshop on “Evaluating Advocacy” put on by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network.  One of the learnings from the workshop was that doing advocacy frequently involves shifting strategies and multiple actors, thus making evaluation difficult.  To make a plausible case for the effectiveness of advocacy, it is important to gather supporting evidence as the work unfolds.  An example of evidence of our effectiveness occurred in the House last week when MP Anita Vandenbeld, speaking in memory of the survivors and victims of the Ecole Polytechnique killings, concluded by applauding the Grandmothers Advocacy Network.  Capturing informal and formal comments such as this one are an important testament to our growing influence.  Read MP Vandenbeld's statement here.


#16Days to End School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV)

An estimated 276 million children globally are harassed and abused in and around school every year. 20% of girls drop out of school because
of school related gender based violence (SRGBV) and it is a serious barrier to learning. Girls have a right to learn, a right to be in school
and a right to be safe and protected.

How can schools move from mirroring gender inequalities and discrimination in the home and community to places that promote gender equality
and the rights of children? Find out more at

World AIDS Day

December 1 is World AIDS Day and in recognition we look back at the history of the pandemic, we acknowledge the progress that has been made and we look to the future and all that needs to be done to eradicate HIV/AIDS.  Please read this article written by Mark Dybul, the Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

International Day to Eliminate Gender-based Violence

GRANs all across Canada are rallying today to "orange" Canada in support of the United Nations UNiTE to End Violence against Women and Girls "Orange the World" campaign.

about GRAN "Orange" efforts in Saskatoon.

And check out our and our for GRAN events and photos from across the country.

MP Joyce Murray supports GRAN's Orange Campaign Efforts

This year, Member of Parliament Joyce Murray is supporting the Grandmothers Advocacy Network (GRAN) and working to grow awareness of the UNiTE Orange the World campaign to end violence against women and girls. She will wear orange in Parliament on November 25th and invites others to join her and to learn more about how to help.
You can read Ms. Murray's statement of support here.

Education: An Important Foundation for Achieving Gender Equality

This week we celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child. We reflect on how far we have come and bring awareness to all of the challenges that still remain to fully achieve gender equality. Without gender equality, our goal of having a world of inclusive, peaceful and prosperous communities will not be realized. Gender inequality is deep-rooted in our societies.  Education is an important foundation for addressing obstacles such as: gender violence, early marriage, teenage pregnancy, poverty, lack of access to clean water and sanitation and lack of proper nutrition to reach SDG#5.  Read more:

How Canada Can Protect Schools in War Zones

Around the world, schools are attacked or being occupied by military forces in conflict zones.  This is having a devastating effect on children endangering their lives, their teachers’ lives and denying hundreds of thousands of children their right to education.

Canada needs to sign the Safe Schools Declaration, a political commitment to protect education during armed conflict.  56 countries have signed, Canada needs to be the 57th


All Ages Matter in the Fight to End HIV/AIDS

In a recent blog post for the Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development (ICAD), Peggy Edwards of GRAN has called for older women to be counted and supported in the fight against HIV/AIDS.  "It is time to include older women/grandmothers as a key population in national, international, and global plans to fight and end HIV/AIDS.

Read the full text of Peggy's call to action and inclusion here.

Five Years of Progress Towards Ending Child Marriage

It Takes a Movement: Reflecting on Five Years of Progress Towards Ending Child Marriage.

To mark the five-year anniversary of Girls Not Brides, the organization is launching its first progress report: “It Takes a Movement: Reflecting on Five Years of Progress Towards Ending Child Marriage”.

The report covers several areas of progress, including child marriage trends, global and regional commitments, strengthening legal and policy frameworks, building a movement, creating an understanding of what needs to be done, and funding for the field. It ends with a seven-point list of recommendations to build on the progress made thus far and make a difference in the lives of millions of girls everywhere.

GRAN has been a member of Girls Not Brides since 2014, actively participating in raising awareness and mobilizing action through media, social media, global campaigns and speaker series.  We meet and correspond with Canadian Members of Parliament, Cabinet Ministers, Parliamentary Committees and other leaders who can influence this issue nationally and globally. 

The TPP and Concerns over ISDS

With the U.S. pushing for ratification of the TPP before the end of President Obama’s term, ISDS has become a major obstacle to TPP ratification, according to some. ISDS (Investor-State Dispute Settlement) is a legal right outlined in the TPP for those who invest in a foreign country.  Under this system, a corporation that invests in a foreign country can appeal to an international arbitration panel if that country enacts a law or regulation that, in the view of the investor, could jeopardize their expected future profits.

As indicated in GRAN's Open Letter to Ministers Freeland and Philpott, ISDS is a major area of concern to GRAN. A recent article in The Huffington Post discusses concerns with ISDS and includes hyperlinks to a Huffington Post investigation and a four-part series at BuzzFeed.  Read more here
