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GRAN Action on the Right to Food: Write to Canadian Executive-Director at the World Bank

Hello GRANs,

Did you know that the World Bank is the largest funder of global development and the top source of funding for nutrition initiatives in the world? 

The good news: In response to the ongoing hunger and malnutrition crisis, the World Bank announced in May 2022 that it would build up its portfolio to a significant $30 billion in existing and new social assistance, agriculture, and water supply projects through June 2023 to address global food and nutrition insecurity.

The bad news: The stability of support such as this is at risk, as an ongoing reform initiative at the World Bank threatens to divert funding from the world’s lowest-income countries to middle-income countries. 

GRAN ally, Results Canada, has launched a call-to-action in response to this threat, and we want to help amplify their efforts. We are being asked to write to Katharine Rechico, Canadian Executive Director at the World Bank, urging Canada to use its influence to ensure that any new funding pledged towards middle-income countries does not result in reduced funding for lower-income countries in future years.

Click here for more specifics on this action, including important points to make in your message and contact information for Ms. Rechico. Results Canada has also prepared a page of background information to help provide a clear understanding of what is at stake.

Let’s take inspiration from the words of Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados:

"With the power of the pen, we can change the capital that is available to multilateral development banks that will remove the barriers that currently exist for us to fight poverty."

Please pick up your pen (or put fingers to your keyboard) and ask Canada to help protect funding for the lowest-income countries.  (And be sure to let us know you have taken action by cc'ing us at:

Thank you for all your efforts in support of the Right to Food.

Linda and Pat
GRAN Co-Chairs



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Aug 20, 2024

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