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GRAN Action on Hunger: Send an email to Minister Hussen

Dear GRANs,

We want to make sure that Minister Ahmed Hussen, recently appointed to the International Development portfolio, knows that we care about global hunger, and that we will support his efforts to push for increased investment in international assistance to respond to the present crisis.

Please take a moment to send a short email to the Minister. A sample message follows below, which we encourage you to personalize.

The more emails sent, the more impact we will have. Please cc your own MP, as well as GRAN at (Using your postal code, you can search for your MP's email address here.)

With many thanks for your ongoing commitment and advocacy for the Right to Food.

Sharon and Linda
GRAN Co-Chairs


Sample email Message to Minister Hussen:

cc:     [Your MP's email address]

Subject: We care about hunger!

Dear Minister Hussen:

Congratulations on your recent appointment as Minister of International Development! Those of us in the Grandmothers Advocacy Network (GRAN) look forward to supporting your efforts to create a more equitable world.

GRAN is a non-partisan network of volunteers across Canada. We advocate for the human rights of older women, children, youth and gender-diverse persons, with special concern for the grandmothers, children and youth of sub-Saharan Africa.

Around the world the hunger crisis is deepening, with approximately 258 million people now facing high levels of acute food insecurity.  To address this escalating hunger crisis, which is driven by climate, conflict, and economic disruptions, Canada (and other wealthy nations) must invest in building sustainable and resilient food systems.

I care deeply about this issue because... [Add your own personal statement here.]

We look to the Canadian government to renew its promise to increase Official Development Assistance year over year to 2030 (first making up for the reduction in Budget 2023). We are asking you, as Minister, to push for investments that will make a difference.


[Your name, community,and postal code]

Member of Grandmothers Advocacy Network (GRAN)

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