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Education Cannot Wait Fund

Education Cannot Wait Fund


Theirworld, War Child, Global Citizen Photo

SafeSchools Petition and Call to Action Handover at 10 Downing Street

GRAN is part of the movement.  Thank you for your support.

GRAN LT Co Chairs signed and provided the GRAN Logo for the Call to Action that is part of the Handover.

GRAN also handed over the Call to Action to Mme Bibeau, Minister of International Development.

1 in 4 school age children in 35 countries affected by crises.

75 million children (3-18 years) have had their education affected, disrupted or destroyed by emergencies and prolonged crises.

Read more:

World Humanitarian Summit:  250,000 tell world leaders that Education Cannot Wait

Handover at Downing Street

GRAN EdWG post

Please promote the EdWG MP Letter Action

